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Need Help Setting Up your Seller?

Fundraising Account Help


Need help setting up your account, adding a seller or buying from an organization? We've got you!  Here are some instructions to help guide you through the account set up process.  If you require further assistance, feel free to call 1.800.822.2032 and a team member will help you.

How to Set Up an Ultimate Gertrude Hawk Account

STEP 1:  Create An Account

Follow this link to our fundraising home page

Below the header image, there are 4 rectangular blocks, click on:

PARENTS & SELLERS SIGN UP TO GET STARTED “Create Account” button OR you can click on the upper right hand “LOG IN” button.
You will be directed to the “Customer Login” screen.
Click on the “Create An Account” button, on the right side of the screen.

Please note: All customers will need a new “Ultimate GH Account” log in with our new site,
regardless, if you had one from the old site (we apologize for this, but it is for everyone’s benefit… we promise).However, your log in credentials for Fundraising will also work on the Retail side too.

You will be directed to the “Create New Customer Account” screen. Fill out all of the required fields and click on “Create An Account” button. This may
take a few seconds, please be patient. You will then be directed back to the Log In page and you will receive a confirmation email.

You are now registered with an Ultimate Gertrude Hawk Account! 

You can now use these log in credentials for both Fundraising and Retail shops of the site.


STEP 2:  Go to Your Fundraising Account

Log in to your account.   “LOG IN” in the upper right hand corner of the site or through the “LOG INTO YOUR ULTIMATE GH ACCOUNT” “Log In” button.
You will be directed to the “Customer Login” screen. Fill out your credentials and sign into your account.

You will be directed to the “My Account” screen.
To add a Seller, on the left hand side menu, click on “My Sellers”. It is the last item in the side bar menu. You will then be directed to the “My Sellers” screen.

STEP 3: Add a Seller

On the “My Sellers” screen, there is an “Add New Seller” button on the right hand side. Click on the “ADD A NEW SELLER” button.

That button will open up the menu to add a New Seller. Fill out the form and then click “SAVE NEW SELLER” button.

The seller should now appear down below.
You can add as many Sellers as you need!


STEP 1: Create an Account

STEP 2: Go to Your Fundraising Account

STEP 3: Add a Seller

How to Buy from an Organization


GO TO: fundraising.gertrudehawkchocolates.com

Below the header image, there are 4 rectangular blocks, click on:


PLACE A FUNDRAISING ORDER “Order Chocolate” button.
You will then be prompted to “Choose an Organization”. This can be done by either typing in the Organization Name, Organization ID code, City or State.

An organization code may have been provided to you from whom you received the Fundraising information from.

Once the Organization name is populated, click “Next”, to the right of the entry field. The “Choose a Seller” block will then become active and you can begin typing in the name of the Seller. Once your Seller Name is populated, click “Get Started”.

You will then be taken to a product page with all of the available products for the Organization’s Fundraising Program. Select products from the page. Feel free to click on individual products for more information, or just simply add them to your cart.


Step 3: Proceed to Checkout

When you’re ready to check out, click on the cart icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The cart icon, should have a number next to it, with the number of items that you have added to your cart. At any time you can click on this cart icon and preview your cart.

Clicking on the cart icon will give you a preview of your list of items within the cart. To continue to Checkout, simply click, “Proceed to Checkout” button.

You can also adjust item quantities or remove them from this menu as well.

If you decide that you want to edit your cart, click on the “View and Edit Cart” link at the bottom of the drop down menu.

Once you begin the checkout process, fill out all required fields and payment information. If you would like your order delivered to you by the seller, please select “FREE SHIPPING DIRECTLY TO ORGANIZATION”. This option will prompt the seller to deliver your order directly to you. THE FREE OPTION IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PRINTED BROCHURE SALE.

Please check with your Seller to confirm this date.  If you choose this option please remember the seller is responsible for getting your order delivered to you. 

If you decide that you want your order shipped directly to you, select one of the other shipping options available.


STEP 1: Go to GH Fundraising

STEP 2: Place a Fundraising Order

STEP 3: Proceed to Checkout

Discover Our Other Fundraising Programs

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